Board & Contact Info
Astrological Society of Connecticut, Inc.
2024 – 2025 Officers and Directors
ASC Officers
President | Janet Booth |
1st Vice President | Debby Vincelett |
2nd Vice President | Agneta Borstein |
Treasurer | Adeniyi Olaiya |
Recording Secretary | Usha Kumar |
Corresponding Secretary | Nancy Bertwell |
ASC Board
Charlie Edgarton |
Robin Haggerty |
Julianne Johnson |
Debbie Rowe |
John Shepski |
Taneka Thurston |
Hospitality | Julianne Johnson | |
Membership | Debby Vincelett | |
New Age Fair Coordinator | John Shepski | |
Newsletter Editors | Usha Kumar | |
Program | Agneta Borstein (Chair) | |
Publicity | Agneta Borstein, Usha Kumar | |
Phil Russell Scholarship Fund | Janet Booth, Denis Picard, Taneka Thurston | |
Speaker Bureau Coordinator | Elaine Kuzmeskus (Chair), Janet Booth | |
Audio Librarian | Nancy Bertwell | |
Website Coordinator | Janet Booth | |
Nominating Committee | Agneta Borstein, (Chair), Charlie Edgarton, Julianne Johnson |

ASC Speaker Bureau
Astrology Lectures upon Request
Is your organization, school, local library or cable access station seeking interesting presenters? The ASC has a pool of talented astrologers with extensive lecture experience ready to speak on a variety of topics. We offer our services as a means of outreach to the general public. A tax-deductible donation to the Astrological Society would be appreciated, but is not essential.
Learn more about our Speaker Bureau.