Astrology Lectures


Season Line-Up

We are thrilled with the diversity and depth of the topics for our 53rd season and the quality of our speakers. We hope you’ll agree! We continue to Zoom all our programs, even when we meet in person. See you face-to-face or in cyberspace!

Janet Booth, President

Current Season

ASC has hybrid in-person/online meetings for some of our events, in addition to streaming all of them on Zoom. Beginning this season, our new meeting place is Pitkin Community Center, 30 Greenfield St., Wethersfield, CT. Our events in November, January, February, March and April will only be on Zoom.


Members can attend lectures for free and will be sent the Zoom link automatically. Non-members can attend and will be emailed the link close to the event date, after paying the $10 non-member lecture fee using the registration button by the event listing. (NOTE: a link does not appear directly following payment and the deadline to register is midnight before the lecture date.) Most lectures are preceded by an introduction to the topic in our “Pre-Lecture” (taught by an ASC member) for no additional charge. To join ASC, see our Membership page. Members receive a discount on workshops and other benefits.


As part of our educational efforts, we offer workshops with the opportunity to roll up your sleeves, delve into a topic and get hands-on experience. We may break into small discussion groups, giving us time to get to know one another, look at the participants’ charts and exchange ideas stimulated by the workshop presenter(s).

The fee for each workshop is $40 for ASC members, $50 for non-members. (Use the drop-down box to select the appropriate fee when registering.) Attendance information (and Zoom link, if applicable) will be emailed to participants prior to the event – a link does not appear directly following payment.


See below for descriptions of abbreviations included in our speaker profiles.

Claudia Bader

Lecture, Thursday, September 19, 2024, 7:00 PM Eastern

The Alchemical and Astrological Mercury — Claudia Bader

What are our most human qualities? They are our Mercury-ruled functions, especially the ability to question and name. What is one of our most defining characteristics as individuals? The questions we ask determine the information we receive. This lecture addresses the different dimensions of Mercury: Mercury’s astronomy and mythology; the difference between alchemical and astrological Mercury; and how Mercury functions in individual charts. Claudia looks at Mercury’s place in using language and speech by studying Helen Keller’s history and chart. Finally, we will consider the different aspects of Mercury in charts, in particular how each Mercury asks different questions, and how crucial this is in who we are.


Workshop, Saturday, September 21, 2024, 12:00 – 5:00 PM Eastern
(In person at 103 Berry Patch, South Windsor, CT)

Studying the System of Correspondences Through Alchemy and Art — Claudia Bader

This workshop is part presentation and part participation. To literally see the correspondences between alchemy, astrology, archetypes and art, there is an experiential art process as part of the workshop. There will be a visualization in which we go into an alchemical laboratory and you find what images emerge from you. Then we create artwork based on that. Claudia covers the definition and history of alchemy, including parallels in Western and Eastern systems. The alchemical stages can be seen in the imagery that emerges in people’s lives. These stages have astrological correlates. Saturn represents the base matter to be transmuted by Mercurius, a big player different from the astrological Mercury, explained in a film clip. What role do they play in our lives and charts? To finish, we look at the participants’ artwork to see what alchemical stages emerged and their astrology natally and/or by transit and progression. We will have art materials for those attending in person; participants by Zoom will need paper and pens, crayons or pastels.

Claudia Bader, PhD, NCGR-PAA Level IV Counseling Astrologer, MPS, ATR-BC; Licensed Psychoanalyst(LP) and Licensed Creative Arts Therapist(LCAT) has pioneered the interface of spirituality, psychoanalysis, astrology, alchemy, art and mandalas since 1973, teaching internationally for psychoanalytic, creative arts therapist and astrological audiences. Claudia taught Art Diagnosis (applied psychoaesthetics) at three universities in NYC. She served on the boards of AFAN, The Association of Astrology and Psychology and the Institute for Expressive Analysis, where she was Director of Education and then Executive Director (and “out” as an astrologer). Claudia created the labyrinth and ran the Mandala Project for three UACs. Published in the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion and different astrology journals, Claudia is the co-author of the bestselling Love Planets. In private practice in NYC, she also takes people to their soul homes with past life and spiritual regression.


Adam Gainsburg

Lecture Thursday, October 17, 2024, 7:00 PM Eastern

Fuel-Angle-Tool Technique — Adam Gainsburg

The chart’s angles are the energetic architecture that frames, holds, or contextualizes our life on Earth and Earth within space; they signify the very local, personal field in which we live life. The Fuel-Angle-Tool technique emanates from many years of Adam’s astrological counseling and consulting work with individuals, couples, and small groups. In this lecture, Adam will demonstrate how to integrate the planet pairs Sun-Moon and Venus-Mars with the MC-IC and AC-DC axes, resulting in deeper insights into the actual psycho-emotional and somatic wiring of people to fulfill the promise of ALL four of their angles.

As for many of us, the first hint of something beyond himself developed for Adam through his childhood connection to the glittering canopy of the Living Sky. Over 24 years with dedication and many hours clocked in observation, he has cultivated a true relationship with the stars, planets and complex movements of our skies. Paying attention to what is observable to us acts as a catalyst for what is latent within us. This forms the foundation of Adam’s practice and what amounts to his contribution to our post-postmodern astrology: astrology as a vehicle for accessing the depth and breadth of our human wholeness. Known for his four books and groundbreaking work with the Mars and Venus cycles, Chiron, the Nodes of the Moon, and Sky Astrology, Adam’s work invites theory and understanding to become cellular reality – only possible when Sky meets Earth in our deep heart. Adam was nominated for a lifetime achievement award at UAC in 2018.



Eric Meyers

Lecture, Thursday, November 21, 2024, 7:00 PM Eastern

Elements, Aspects & Awakening — Eric Meyers

There is a spiritual relevance to all the major aspects. What do we learn by connecting Aries to Libra or Sagittarius square Pisces? Drawing material from his book, Elements & Evolution: The Spiritual Landscape of Astrology, Eric presents a new classification of the elements. Water and fire are discussed as being charged (right brain, process) while air and earth are neutral (left brain, content). By adding this dimension, we more clearly understand how the various signs interact to spur our growth, revealing a fascinating template of our spiritual curriculum.

After graduating from American University (B.A. in Psychology), Eric Meyers’s life went through a series of unexpected changes, which involved the discovery of a deeper spirituality and the study of astrology. His revolution and evolution included the decision to drop out of a Ph.D. Psychology program to move to Boulder, Colorado and study Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at Naropa University. Upon attaining his Masters degree, Eric committed to a career as an astrological counselor, studying with Steven Forrest for five years. In the last 22 years, Eric’s practice has steadily grown and he has published seven astrology books.



Mary Ellen Norton

Lecture, Thursday, December 19, 2024, 7:00 PM Eastern
Preceded by Holiday Party 5:30 PM Eastern

Connecting Tarot, Numerology and Astrology — Mary Ellen Norton

Mary Ellen’s unique perspective on tarot brings in numerology, the four elements of astrology – Earth, Air, Fire and Water – and the seasons of the year. This establishes a pattern for use with the Major Arcana cards, where the numbers and seasonal astrology are plugged in to address questions you or your client must answer. She demonstrates a 10-card tarot spread she developed that identifies a person is currently experiencing, unveiling life patterns that emerge in the reading. No experience is needed to enjoy an easy way to put these three disciplines together.

Mary Ellen Norton was trained as an educator and is a gifted reader with over 50 years of experience using her talents in multiple disciplines, including psychometry, tarot, numerology and astrology. Her readings examine where you are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to reveal patterns and challenges and provide insight into your life. She designed her tarot spread to assist with this insight.


Andrea Gehrz

Lecture, Thursday, January 16, 2025, 7:00 PM Eastern

Astrological Remediation: Theory and Methodology — Andrea Gehrz

Do you have a difficult natal aspect? Do you struggle to help clients with hard transits? This lecture provides the theory and methodology behind a study called Astrological Remediation. Remediation is the act of healing or fixing anything tough in an astrological chart. Topics will include a myriad of ideas including, but not limited to, gemstone remedies, appropriate activities, contexts for certain aspects, strategic planning, using composites as remedies, yoga and much more.

Andrea Gehrz has been a professional astrologer for 24 years. She has written over fifteen books on astrology, including several ancient Greek-to-English translations. Andrea is best known for her textbook, Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner, teaching how to resolve ANY problem in an astrological chart. Nowadays, Andrea can be found at Moira Press, running a Zoom Forum every Tuesday at 5:30 PM Pacific Time. During this forum, astrologers from around the globe read high-level textbooks and have deep discussions about the topic of the week. She also teaches a Master Class every Saturday at noon for people trying to learn how to read their chart or become astrologers themselves.



Kay Taylor

Lecture, Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00 PM Eastern

Embracing Saturn — Kay Taylor

Saturn reflects a deeply held agenda to achieve a significant karmic task in this lifetime. We feel it to our bones and often feel compelled to try, try again until we accomplish the mandate. Through Saturn, we construct foundational earthly structures to embody our evolving self, even though the process feels slow or seemingly insurmountable. While Saturn’s lessons may be challenging, they ultimately yield valuable rewards, including the development of maturity and ultimate success. In this presentation, we explore the evolutionary objectives of natal Saturn placements and pivotal turning points, with a focus on embracing Saturn with an open heart.


Workshop, Saturday, February 22, 2025, 12:00 – 5:00 PM Eastern

Brave New World: Navigating Neptune and Saturn from Pisces to Aries — Kay Taylor

Neptune and Saturn in Pisces have profoundly influenced us in recent years, clearly connected to global themes of illness, suffering, floods and hurricanes. There is a corresponding personal awakening of intuition and compassion or an overwhelm and dissolution of reality. Neptune in Pisces could be called a cosmic deluge, while Saturn’s arrival in 2023 signaled the need for discipline and focus to thrive. We are called upon to deepen our inner work. Somehow, we need to commit to the mystic, manage the losses, and surrender in a grounded manner. As these planets, representing Oneness and structure respectively, converge in the sign of Aries in 2025, we are tasked with creating a brave new world founded on pioneering ideals and individualism, and perhaps even laying the groundwork for survival itself. In this workshop, we delve into these universal themes while focusing on the personal chart perspective to navigate the emerging cycle with courage and clarity.

Kay Taylor is a compassionate, soul-centered astrologer, author and teacher who has been integrating evolutionary astrology with intuitive mastery, psychosynthesis, yoga philosophy and a wealth of healing wisdom for 40 years. Kay is President of OPA and is on the Board of Kepler College. She is a popular speaker at major conferences and groups. She offers a Certificate program in Evolutionary Astrology, as well as intuitive/healing courses through her Soul Path School. Her publications include Soul Path Way, An Intuitive Life (column for 2008-2014), and chapters for the anthologies The Professional Astrologer and Essential Astrology. With OPA, ISAR CAP and NCGR Level II certifications, she maintains a thriving full-time consulting practice based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Janet Booth

Lecture, Thursday, March 20, 2025 (International Astrology Day), 7:00 PM Eastern

Moon Grooves and Lunation Spirals — Janet Booth

The Moon and Sun are never retrograde. They seem not to have the chance to reinforce their messages and lessons through repetition like all the planets. But they do, thanks to two key patterns eternally present but overlooked (and unnamed) by astrologers – until now. One occurs across multiple lunar cycles, highlighting specific degrees during a six-month period. The other is a three-part emphasis on a certain range of degrees from one new moon to the next. Understanding these patterns can enhance utilizing transits month-to-month and shed new light on progressions over a lifetime.

Janet Booth looks at the Moon like no one else does! Through years of observation as a consulting astrologer and author of annual astrological calendars, she has noted and named the two patterns explained in this lecture, illustrated by numerous chart examples. Janet has lectured internationally, including at UAC, and published in The Mountain Astrologer. You know her as a long-time member of ASC, wearing many hats over the years. Learn more about her work at



Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis

Lecture, Thursday, April 17, 2025, 7:00 PM Eastern

Let’s Boot Misogyny Out of Astrology — Drs. Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis

Astrology’s language has bent towards masculine priorities for centuries because most astrologers were men. Today, most are women and it’s time to wipe that filter off the lens. Our primary interpretation tool, the Table of Dignities, celebrates the “Social” world, where men dominated and denigrates the “Personal,” where women held sway. Like all astrology, the Table is based on geometry. The DeAmicis propose a system of eight sacred triangles that describe the planetary roles and relationships, with equal importance for all of these. With this Table and unbiased definitions, we can see ourselves and our clients the way we truly are.

Drs. Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis have each been professional astrologers for over fifty years. They specialize in health and location astrology, incorporating multiple disciplines in their consultations. They have authored book series on the topics of Feng Shui and Herbology. Since 2018, they have been producing the Planetary Calendar, created in 1949, and since 2023, the Astrology Wine Tasting Calendar. This lecture stems from their research for a book about geomancy and linguistics. The DeAmicis live in Napa, California.



Joseph Addeo

Lecture, Thursday, May 15, 2025, 7:00 PM Eastern

Planetary Rulership Using Equal Houses — Joseph Addeo

Planetary rulerships are one of the most important techniques for a consulting astrologer. They provide greater detail for natal delineation, as well as more in-depth interpretation in predictive work. Joseph adheres to the traditional rulership scheme where the Sun and Moon each rule one sign while all the other planets from Mercury to Saturn rule two signs. Outer planets are not used as sign or house rulers. His chart examples use Whole Sign or Equal House Systems. He demonstrates rulerships in action and how they work in tandem with transits, progressions, annual profections and Time Lords. He also introduces the subject of Sect. Using charts of his clients and famous people, Joseph shows how the use of traditional planetary rulerships of signs and houses is of invaluable importance to any practicing astrologer or serious student.

Joseph Addeo is a professional astrologer practicing in New York City since 2000. He has achieved Level IV Certification with the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR). Joseph served on the Board of Directors of the New York City Chapter of NCGR and on the board of Kepler College. In addition to his private consultation practice, Joseph is a contributing writer for the astrological magazine The Ingress and NCGR E-News. He has taught classes for over 15 years and lectures throughout the New York Metropolitan area and elsewhere.



Abbreviations in Speaker Biographies

In the speakers’ biographies, you may see abbreviations for various astrological organizations.

You may also see certification designations, such as CA (Counseling Astrologer), CAP (Certified Astrological Professional).

  • AFA American Federation of Astrologers (the certification designation AMAFA stands for Advanced Member of AFA)
  • AFAN Association for Astrological Networking
  • ASC Astrological Society of Connecticut
  • FAA Federation of Australian Astrologers
  • ISAR International Society for Astrological Research (their “CAP” stands for Certified Astrological Professional)
  • NCGR National Council for Geocosmic Research and the addition of -PAA designates Professional Astrologers’ Alliance, the testing division of NCGR that has four levels of certification (the C.A. Counseling Astrologer is at the highest level, Level Four)
  • OPA Organization for Professional Astrologers
  • UAC United Astrology Conference

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