Speaker Bureau

The Astrological Society of Connecticut, Inc. Speaker Bureau provides experienced astrologers to present a variety of topics for libraries, senior centers and organizations. There is no set fee but we do request a donation, if possible, payable to the ASC.

Some recent presentations are listed here to give you an idea of what we can do, followed by additional topic suggestions.

If your group is interested, please call 860-568-8617 or email us at info.myasc@gmail.com for more information.

Recent Presentations

Janet BoothJanet Booth: What’s Your Sign?
“What’s your sign?” is more than a pick-up line from the ‘60s; it’s the key to a big piece of who you are, if astrology is to be believed. This talk might make a believer of you! We’ll delve deeply into the twelve zodiac signs to see what makes them tick and look at how they get along. Born on a cusp? Bring your birth time to find out your true sign.

Janet Booth (AstrologyBooth.com) found astrology to be the perfect complement to her BA in Behavioral Studies. She serves an international clientele of individuals, couples and businesses. Janet enjoys lecturing to the public and has taught astrology at all levels. Since 2000, she’s written Janet’s Plan-its astrology forecasts. An instrumental leader of the Astrological Society of Connecticut, she is their current president, as she was at the millennium.

Agneta BorsteinAgneta Borstein: Our Intimate Connection to the Moon
This lecture is an exploration of the Moon and why we are both consciously and unconsciously connected to her rhythm. Her rapid speed as a satellite around the Earth allows us to understand a closeness, a sense of Soul and our emotions. Bring your birth information (date, time and place) and we will find your natal Moon sign!

Agneta Borstein, is a professional astrologer, workshop facilitator, teacher, current president of the Astrological Society of Connecticut, Inc., and the author of The Moon’s Nodes, Understanding the Dynamic Ties That Bind. Agneta merges her education in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Healing into her private practice, workshops, and lectures.

Elaine Kuzmesku
Elaine Kuzmeskus:
2025 Planets and You

Learn the astrological effects for each sign of the zodiac in 2025. According to the author of Soul Cycle, 2025 will be a year of transformation. How will Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries, and Uranus in Gemini influence the United States? Watch for major changes in communications and technology with Uranus in Gemini. Neptune’s entrance into Aries highlights the struggle for unity. At the same time, Pluto in Aquarius points toward a global awakening. Does the future hold revolution or evolution?

Elaine Kuzmeskus, M.S., Professional Astrologer, holds a Teaching Certificate from the American Federal of Astrologers. She is the author of ten books on metaphysics, including Soul Cycles: Astrology 101. In addition to her astrology practice in Suffield, CT, Elaine writes a monthly astrology blog on her website theartofmediumship.com and posts videos on the YouTube channel Soul Cycles.

Usha-KumarUsha Kumar: Introduction to Astrology
Learn about the history of astrology as practiced in the West, astrology as a science, and an art that grew out of astronomy. Also included in the presentation will be an introduction to the astrological chart and its four elements, a discussion of the twelve signs and how they connect to seasons, and help in the interpretation of charts.

Usha Kumar, MBA, Astrological Researcher, speaker, astrologer and member of the board of directors of the Astrological Society of Connecticut, Inc. From 2010 to 2018, she was the host and producer of “Practical Talk Time” on Comcast Public Access Channel 1070 in Danbury, Bethel, and Ridgefield, CT.

Julianne Johnson: What’s Your Moon Sign? An Intro to Astrology
In this interactive presentation, Julianne Johnson of the Astrological Society of Connecticut will talk about the basics of astrology, and help participants determine what their moon sign is! Those who register in advance and provide their name (or initials), date, time, and place of birth will have their charts available and ready to view during the workshop! Note: This information can be found on your birth certificate, or by visiting the Town Hall in the town you were born.

Julianne Johnson lives in Mystic, CT and has been a student of astrology since the 1980’s. She is a past president of the Astrological Society of Connecticut currently serves on the Board of Directors and reads at ASC’s New Age Fairs. Julianne is available for chart readings and astrology parties; she also incorporates astrology in tarot readings.

Additional Topic Suggestions

  • The Ancient Roots and Modern Applications of Astrology
  • The Wide World of Astrology
  • What Astrology IS and What it ISN’T
  • What Astrology Can Tell You
  • SUN SIGNS – The King but not the Whole Court
  • What’s Your Sign? You Have More Than One!
  • The Difference Between Signs and Constellations
  • The Moon and Her Role in Your Life
  • How Your Mercury Sign Affects Your Communication
  • Venus, the Goddess of Love and More
  • Follow Your “Lucky Star,” Jupiter
  • Saturn, the Lord of Time
  • The Importance of Elements in Astrology
  • Importance of a Birth Time
  • Houses and Your Life
  • What are Eclipses and Where Do the Current Eclipses Fall in Your Chart?
  • When Astrologers Talk About Retrogrades, What Does THAT Mean?
  • Astrology and Health
  • Planning With the Planets in Mind
  • Astrology and the USA: What’s Next?
  • Donald Trump: Horoscope of the Deal Maker
  • Comparing Astrology to Other Divination Systems

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