New Age Fairs
In 2023, ASC’s popular New Age Fairs moved to a new location! We are now at the Pitkin Community Center, 30 Greenfield St., Wethersfield (about two miles from our prior location). See below for detailed directions.
Emails may be directed to the committee by using our info.myasc@gmail.com address. Please mention “NAF” in the subject line.
John Shepski, Chair
New Age Fair Committee
2025 Schedule
Mark your calendar!
ASC will have three New Age Fairs in 2025, all Sundays, as usual:
February 9 fair postponed to March 2.
*May 18 and October 26, all at the Pitkin Center.
*Check our InfoLine for any update regarding postponement.
Several times a year, we offer the public a sampling of metaphysical readings: psychic, medium, intuitive, various types of cards, and of course, astrology!
We also have a variety of vendors selling a wide range of wares and services (sometimes including aura photography), as well as wellness practitioners doing reflexology, massage, Reiki and additional modalities. There are typically four free presentations covering the broad spectrum of the metaphysical world. A Basics of Astrology class costs just $10. Admission is free. Free parking is available behind the building, on the street, and across the street behind the fire station.
New Age Fair Location

We’re excited about the spacious ballroom at the Pitkin Community Center. We can have all the features of our fairs conveniently close together on one floor and no one will have to wait for an elevator! We’ll even have a café area where you can enjoy refreshments. There is plenty of free parking, too. Detailed directions to Pitkin Center are in this PDF.
Fair hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our New Age Fairs offer the public a sampling of the metaphysical realm. Readings continue to cost $25 for 20 minutes and the types of readings typically include various cards, psychic, medium, intuitive, runes, Astro Dice and, of course, astrology!
Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. A variety of vendors sell a wide range of wares and services (sometimes including aura photography), and wellness practitioners provide various modalities. Admission is free.
New Age Fair Vendors
Thank you for your interest in the ASC’s popular New Age Fair. We have produced our fairs since 1985. Our fee for one table is $45.00, for two tables it is $90.00. The limited electrical outlets are assigned on a “first come-first” basis and cost an additional $5.00 per table. The cost for a wellness practitioner space is the same as for a vendor table.
If you would like to be a new vendor at our fairs, please complete our application.
Send the form to info.myasc@gmail.com
Our Vendor Coordinator contacts approved vendors to invite them. Required pre-payment can be made by check to our address in the footer of this page or by using these Vendor Options.
You may pay by check or via credit card using this button.
We look forward to hearing from you!
ASC New Age Fair Coordinators
For more information, leave a message on our ASC InfoLine at (860) 568-8617 or email info.myasc@gmail.com.